About Us

About Us

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  0476 264 007

Debbie Ward

Dip T, B Ed.

Founded by Consultant Debbie Ward, Deb Ward Consulting Group is built on Debbie’s 40 plus years of experience in the education sector. Her years of experience extend to teaching, principalship, training, facilitation, coaching and consulting.

Debbie is a collaborative and consultative educational consultant, executive coach and workshop facilitator. This along with her relationship focused leadership style Debbie has built a consulting company that delivers programs to match client needs.

Debbie is driven by her desire to improve outcomes for students, by building the capacity of people and their knowledge of self and by creating positive high performing working environments. She is focused on helping producing and empowering more leaders at all levels of the system.

Debbie has been acknowledged as a leader in her approaches and initiatives to building the leadership capacity of her staff, school leaders, aspirants and leadership teams. She has led schools of varying sizes and complexities and has been a lead member of many Local, Regional and State committees or focus groups and has presented at Regional and State conferences.

Debbie provides opportunities for individuals, teams and systems to bring about transformational change by building knowledge, capacity and high performing systems.

Her support of individuals through her relaxed style of facilitation and one on one coaching, feedback and mentoring, caters to the needs of all.


  • APAPDC (Australian Principals’ Association Professional Development Council, now Principals’ Australia) John Laing Inaugural bursary in 2005. A National recognition for Leadership Development of the Principal Class
  • Fellow of the ACEL (Australian Council of Educational Leaders), 2012 in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the improvement of student and organizational achievement through her leadership
  • Queensland Secondary Principals’ Association (QSPA) award for Service to QSPA– 2009.


  • Executive Coach with Growth Coaching International
  • Facilitator in CCL psychometric evaluations in Myers Briggs Type Indicator
  • Facilitator of 360 Degree Feedback with Benchmarks, Lifestyle Inventory (LSI) and BarOn 360 degree feedback


  • Behavioural analysis, Motivational analysis, EQ analysis and program facilitation.

Debbie brings a wealth of experience and insight to her work supporting the development of leaders, aspirants and leadership teams across a range of educational or business settings.

“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails”.
Author unknown
Debbie Ward

Let us help you and your team with a customised plan.
